Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Fads, promises, wonder detoxes, they are everywhere. It can be overwhelming and down right unnerving to know where to start.

Newsweek took the time to help us sift through the bunk and shed some light on the current diet book epidemic:

If you've visited a bookstore this month, you probably weren't able to avoid the giant pyramid of diet books that magically appears right after Jan. 1. Whether you find those titles inspiring or just guilt inducing, one thing is certain: many of them sound too good to be true. And often they are. These popular weight-loss fads usually aren't all that new, but they come around every year with new names—and maybe even a fresh celebrity connection. Here are the six basic diet trends, why they don't work and why they may even be unhealthy. You won't find these exact titles on a shelf near you, but hopefully you'll be able to recognize the gimmick when you see it no matter how it's been tarted up.

Keep Reading: Worst Diet Fads

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