Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 12 - Falling Off the Wagon ...

Beer, fries, hamburgers, chips, popcorn and a few too many of my own fundraising cookies (they were SO DAMN GOOD!) ...

I fell hard and with no excuse (no stress, depression, nothing but a lack of resolve and that is more pathetic than anything) ... and it hurts ... and its MOTIVATION to get back on track ....

Here are the Week 12 Weigh-In Numbers:

Weight: 129 lbs
Bust: 34
Waist: 29
Hips: 39

Week 12 Overall Weight & Inches Loss:

Weight: - 10 lbs
Bust: - 4
Waist: -4
Hips: - 3
Total Inches: -11

I gained a pound and added an inch to my waist ... nothing in long time has made me feel as defeated as seeing that inch come back.

WAKE UP ERIN!!!!! I have to take control, take responsibility and restart my healthy eating habits or I just will not reach my goal.

I am already well behind my projected timeline by almost 10 lbs and even though I am losing inches, I want to lose more body fat and working out alone is just not going to cut it.

I've said it before but now I have to really mean it if I want to see it - ITS GO TIME!

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