Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Updates & New Reads

First off let me just say – I AM SO SAD ABBY IS OFF BIGGEST LOSER. That woman is amazing and for me a true inspiration.

Ok, so now that that’s out of my system lets get to it:

I have officially finished my sessions with my trainer - SAD SAD SAD :(

BUT - in our last session together something clicked in me - I have no idea what it was or why it happened but I have a renewed determination and drive at the gym.

Maybe it was the reality that I was now going to be on my own.

Maybe it was realizing that this is all about me and no one else.

Whatever it was, who cares, right, because in the end it's all about me sticking to my plan and reaching my goal.

GOAL = 120 lbs for 2010

So, Mr. Kiwi gave me one last ass kicking, handed me a workout program and said goodbye.


Um hello, do I even need to tell you how scared I was at that moment?

But the moment passed and since then I have been kicking my own ass, spending 3 hours a week at the gym, sweating it, pumping iron and killing the cardio.

I also made the decision to really try and kick start things and committed to changing my diet in a rather radical way.

I had been thinking I wanted to try a detox or cleanse, but after researching them I decided it was not for me.

I am not a heavy drinker, I am no longer a smoker, I don’t eat processed foods.

So instead of relying on herbal laxatives and supplements, I opted to go back to the GI diet plan of eating only LOW GI foods, started drinking mass amounts of water, added a B12 complex vitamin to the mix and ditched wheat, sugar, caffeine and most dairy (I'm still hanging on to my plain skim yogurt but am looking at soy alternatives).

And DANG I feel amazing!

I have crazy amounts of energy and am no longer lethargic or find it hard to get out of bed.

I sleep like a baby and right through the night, no something I have done in, well, years.

I am more focused and clear thinking.

I feel like a new person!

And BONUS - I have had NO cravings. Sure, I had a moment of wanting when a classmate brought in a Starbuckers and the smell wafted over to me, but it didn’t make me run to the coffee shop. Instead, I brewed myself a steaming hot cup of organic tie kwan yin oolong tea and sipped myself into heaven.

I did have a few minor headaches in the first few days, mostly later on in the afternoons, but nothing at all serious or even Advil worthy.

And the proverbial icing on the cake = I LOST 4 LBS IN 5 DAY!!!

My jeans are notably baggier in the bum and hips and I even got a " looking good Erin" compliment at school today

I don’t see myself falling off this wagon, but I am still not going to count my chickens before they hatch.

I don’t want to jinx this.

But enough about me. Here’s something I wanted to share with you:

My GF posted this site on her FB page, as she is starting her journey into a new healthy lifestyle and I gotta tell you - LOVE IT!


Its written by a Holistic Nutritionist who’s aim is to make others “aware of the benefits of good nutrition, the range of conflicting information available to the consumer is often confusing”

I suggest you check it out.

Happy Healthy Living

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