Wednesday, February 15, 2012

26wks and Counting

Almost in the home stretch. Here are some of the highlights from the last few weeks:

  • Peanut is an octopus, I am sure of it. That or they are going to be world class gymnasts when they grow up. How can I be punched in the ribs and the pelvis at the same time, riddle me this.
  • Turned 33 … and ate 6, delicious, moist, to die for vegan cupcakes to celebrate. Yup - they were fabu and I have ZERO guilt
  • Passed my GTT, though I am pretty sure that that test we designed by a Man who seems to think that starving a pregnant woman, then forcing her to guzzle orange sugar water and sit in a cold, clinical room for hours only to have her start twitching and shaking and then crash and pass out. What a stupid test.
  • Have been doing nightly Hypnobabies sessions and while I cant tell yet how this will all work out, I can be sure that I am more relaxed now and able to relax myself better that ever before. P & I start our in class sessions next week so things will ramp up to some degree then and I am interested to see where they go.
  • We bought our stroller, or rather should I say P’s parents bought it for us. THANKS GRAMA & GRANDPA M! After much debate and testing we settled on the Britax B-Ready. Its got all the bells and whistles that we wanted, plus we can change the configuration of the seat(s) to all sorts of things depending on our needs. It even converts into a double stroller so if Peanut gets a little sibling within a few years, then all we need to do it buy another seat and off we go
  • I have started nesting HARD. Been cleaning, cooking, baking and even taken up crocheting. It is seriously my new addiction. I have decided I wanted to make a baby blanket for Peanut so after a visit to Michaels and a few visits to YouTube I am now well on my way to making something that is filled with love and warmth for my baby to be. It may not be perfect, but its being made from the heart and as my Mother says, that is all that matters.
  • Beginning to feel like a house on legs; stiff, stuffed and unable to move in ways that I know I used to.
  • My brain is a mess – every night I have mental dreams and wake up feeling lost, scared, insecure, sad ... you name it. Then of course I cannot get back to sleep and toss and turn for ages
  • I can no longer tie my shoes up, I simply cant reach them without almost passing out or falling over. Time for Momma to buy some slip ons.

That is all.

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