Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5 Weeks - 5 Lessons

5 weeks have passed since I regained control of my diet, lifestyle, eating habits and weight. And in that time I have become an avid food diarist with the help of myfitnesspal.com, I have reacquainted myself with running (and found a fantastic new site where I can track my distance, pace and frequency: runkeeper.com - LOVE IT!), and I have lost weight!

5 weeks = 5LBS

It's just the kind of slow and steady weight loss that I was hoping for and its amazing what tracking my food and eating has showed me. Here are 5 things that have become glaring clear to me now that I am aware of my food/exercise habits:

A) I drink FAR too much booze and not nearly enough water. So many of my of my calories seem to be coming from alcohol. Not good, not good, but I am also not willing to give up the sweet nectar all together unless I have to (ie: I get preggo again!), because for me this is not about deprivation, it's about moderation and lifestyle. So I have started to mind my eating on days that I want to enjoy a glass of wine, or sip a cold beer on my deck and abstain from daily drinks with lunch (hard when you work with young, feisty boys) or dinner. Its only water at meal now and its not so bad.

B) I eat FAR too much bread! I knew I loved the wheaty, carby loafs of goodness, but when you start to see how much of your daily intake is lost to a few slices of bread, it makes you think again.

C) I eat a LOT of veggies and hummus. Its clearly my staple and it shows me that while I may have some portion control and weight issues to overcome, I am at least eating the right foods ... just clearly too much of them.

D) I need to exercise more. I am attempting to run 10K a week, spread over 3 weekday runs and so far I am sticking with it. I am also upping my walking by taking the long way to the bus (I have no option other than bus and train, as I have to commute now to work) and walking the long way home. The to and from work equals out to about 20K of walking per week - not to shabby

E) I think that the exercise tracker portion of myfitnesspal.com may be on drugs. Why do I say that ... well this is why: "burned 1727 calories doing 180 minutes of "Moving household items, boxes, upstairs" Does that not seem a little high to you? I don't know but it seems off so I am not going to be tracking my exercise on the site anymore and just keep to the food logging.

So that it, a update on the last 5 weeks. Hoping the next 5 are just as positive!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! Glad to hear! I think I might have to look into this fitness pal thingie - even though it does seem to be overestimating the amount of calories burned for moving boxes ;)