Thursday, September 6, 2012


Well, its clear that this Mommyhood stuff makes for little time to sit, write and reflect, but I am going to try to get back on the wagon as best as possible. Which I do hope is more now that little E is becoming a champion napper (which I like to think is thanks to my determination in nap training - thank you very much).

My main man is now 3 month old (14weeks) and the development is unreal. In the just the last few weeks things have changed so much for this guy, its truly incredible. Its like watching the light come on  in a new part of his mind every day and its stunning.

He now plays for hours at a time on his own on his mat and in his crib when he wakes up, grabbing, pulling and talking to his toy friends. His chatting has become constant, and happy squeals and sounds fill our house now more than cries or shrieks. His grins are from head to toe and are such a joy to wake up to.

Quite simply, I am in awe and in total love with my little boy

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